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Cheat Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Moves Nintendo 64

Cheat Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Moves Nintendo 64

Cheat Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Moves Nintendo 64

Moves: Fire: Fire ball Fire + Stone: Rock shooter Fire + Ice: Ice and fire blower Fire + Needle: Bow and arrow with fire arrow Fire + Bomb: Fireworks Fire + Spark: Solar powered fire Fire + Cutter: Fire sword Fire + Fire: Fire bird Stone: Rock Stone + Ice: Skating soap Stone + Needle: Drill Stone + Bomb: Dynamite Stone + Spark: Electric rope tied to stone Stone + Cutter: Stone cutter Stone + Stone: Big rock Ice: Ice blower Ice + Needle: Snow flake Ice + Bomb: Snowman bomb Ice + Spark: Refrigerator (food gives you health) Ice + Cutter: Skate Ice + Ice: Snowball Bomb: Bomb Needle + Bomb: Spikey bomb Needle + Spark: Thunderbolt Needle + Cutter: Bite (commercial) Needle + Needle: Spikey gadgets Needle: Spike ball Bomb + Spark: Light bulb Bomb + Cutter: Bomb that hooks onto opponent Bomb + Bomb: Missile launcher Spark: Electric shock Spark + Cutter: Electrical double bladed sword Spark + Spark: Electric ball Cutter: Boomerang Cutter + Cutter: Boomerang with blades

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